Based on the measurement of the wind it is possible to estimate wind potential. Using sophisticated software the wind potential report summarizing the observed wind resource is normally produced on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, as well as at the end of the monitoring program.

Remanufactured turbines are available option for many seeking to take advantage of clean and renewable wind power. Schools, small and rural communities, farms, and country in developments are just a few of those taking part in the repowering of aging and decommissioned wind systems. These renewable energy users are operating systems with the same nameplate capacity as new, but at a fraction of the price.

For the analysis we are using the MERRA model. MERRA model is a NASA reanalysis data product which couples numerical modelling with large quantities of empirical data (surface measurements, earth observation data etc.). The model generates a long-term continuous database at a global resolution of 1/2 degree latitude by 2/3 degree longitude. The meteorological data were collected with an hourly frequency. Data is available from 1979 for a range of pressure levels and heights about ground. The analyzed period for specific site is usually more than 20 years.